Half-links either comes assembled on the bracelet, or can be purchased separately.
For the popular flat top bracelet featured on both Windseeker and Shellback, the half-links work the same.
If you don't get the right fit when removing full-links, you can remove one half-link.
The image on this page shows a set of half-links attached to the bracelet (if you have purchased a set of half-links separately, make sure to attach it to the clasp end link).
When you remove a half-link, make sure it's the one in the middle (white arrow) and then connect the other two links with each other (black arrows).
There is a text DO NOT REMOVE on the backside of the links you shouldn't remove.
If you don't follow this guide, you are still ok but there might be a wider gap between the full links and the half-links.
The image below shows what a full set of half-links look like, and the other one with one half-link removed.
Tusenö claims no responsibility for improper installation that results in damage to the watch, strap or clasp or any other material and/or personal harm of any type.